Equillibrium / Reversal Indicators
In his books, George Soros talked about the imaginary equilibrium and the market conditions when the price is close to equilibrium and far from equilibrium conditions. The Egyptian government allegedly commissioned the famous mathematician B. Mandelbrot to calculate how it moves and what affects the price of cotton. He found that the price is moving around its current value. The actual real value changes and is influenced by many factors, from macroeconomic, fundamental to marketing and emotional. However, there are situations when the price fluctuates significantly from the possible equilibrium or median. Mean reversion strategies are based on these principles, which are also used by very successful ones
quant / algorithmic hedge funds. We develop various Tradingview indicators and models that try to find possible places of deviation from the imaginary equilibrium / or places of possible turnover/reversal.
Click on the image for more information:

Equilibrium Bottom QA1S

Equilibrium7SX Reversal indicator

Quantakor B4 (2H) (Coming Soon)

pi-Synotic Bottom Finder 2H

OptigonalRX (Coming Soon)