Macro Indicators & Models

Macro, Index and Macroeconomic indicators for TradingView based on data of various macroeconomic sources and the behavior of the macro environment (or from several data sources + algo / quant models combined together )

The largest stocks are strongly correlated with Global Macro and Indices S&P500, Nasda100, etc. And thus the situation in the global macroeconomic environment immediately affects the price of these large and mega cap stocks, positively or negatively. For several reasons – these stocks should also probably be timed according to macroeconomic data, mood on the overall market, etc.

Many legendary investors and traders (Livermoore, Druckenmiller, Soros, Cohen and others) have already noticed and publicly said that the stock price is largely influenced by the macro. And even that macro and industry can influence the price of the share much more than the fundamentals of the share.


Dominant macro mood 1D

Macro Optimists vs. Pessimists (Coming Soon)

RED obx2 Detector (Coming Soon)

Retensar H2 (Macro Bears, Fear, Panic)

Macro Market Sentiment MMS4 (Coming Soon)

Total Scan D20SQ

YSR Recession Macro Model

W4BA Federal Liquidity Model (Coming Soon)